It is usually about this time of year, as college acceptances start arriving, that the realities of financing a college education truly begin to settle in. Even for families who have planned ahead and are fortunate enough to have some money saved toward college, every bit of extra financial assistance is appreciated. Ideally, scholarship searches start much earlier than February of senior year, but it’s not too late. (BTW, it isn’t too early, either – looking at you, 9th graders!) Yes, there are many scholarships open to students throughout all four years of high school (see the Courageous Persuaders Video Scholarship, for example), but finding and filtering scholarships can be overwhelming. Just check out this list of scholarships with February deadlines, published by SCHOLARSHIPS.COM! Finding scholarships, managing scholarship applications and deadlines, and understanding how outside scholarships impact financial aid awards are just a few ways ARC assists families. Let’s face it, college is expensive! If you’re concerned about college expenses, ARC can answer your questions and help you get a plan in place that best fits your family budget. You may even find some money you did not even know was available, but you have to be willing to put in the work – money doesn’t grow on trees!
Category: ARC
Thanksgiving Is Almost Here, But First, FAFSA!
That’s right, before digging into the Turkey and ALL.THE.SIDES, and slipping into a tryptophan-laced carbcoma, make sure your FAFSA is complete. Why? Because deadlines. Many students believe there is only one deadline for FAFSA, but that belief can cause students to miss out on receiving funds! Actually, there are three deadlines to consider when filing FAFSA, and students should file by the earliest deadline.
School Deadline: this varies by school, and some schools begin allocating aid as soon as applications are received, so the sooner your application is submitted, the better. Some schools have FAFSA deadlines as early as their priority application deadlines.
State Deadline: each state sets its own deadline, and some say to submit ASAP. For example, in North Carolina, “awards are made until funds are depleted.” Find your state’s deadline.
Federal Deadline: likely the latest deadline, but an important one. If you miss this deadline, you are no longer eligible to submit that year’s FAFSA, meaning schools may not be able to award any money, even if your financial circumstances have changed.
To complete you FAFSA, choose one of the following: Online, Android, Apple,
From ARC Education Planning,
Safe travels, enjoy the holiday, and give thanks for all your blessings…
The Value of College Consultants

College Admissions Help from IECA on Vimeo.
February, Plan for Success and Show Colleges Some Love
Show Me The Money!
Summer seems to be the time of year when rising seniors begin to realize the expense of a college education. And with the extra free time summer affords them, many use the opportunity to search scholarship sites. This can be beneficial but overwhelming, and there are certainly traps for stealing personal information, so students and their families need to be savvy consumers. Know the signs of scholarship scams (having to pay to “enter” the scholarship pool is just one of many), and protect your identity as much as possible! I always recommend starting scholarship searches at the schools where you intend to apply. That can be your best bet for aid, assuming you’re a strong applicant. However, many families want to explore further options. Check with your counselor about local scholarships, and then consider casting a wider net. Here are a few of my personal favorite scholarship resources to get you going. Happy searching!
Scholarship sites you may find interesting: (also has an app)
Reliable search engines for scholarships on the web:
Junior Year Suuucks! (Can I say that?)
Junior year suuuucks! Yep, I said that. Ask any junior this time of year, and you’ll likely have that sentiment affirmed. Most juniors are feeling stressed with schoolwork, not to mention “promposals” and prom drama. Parents are getting worked up about college, and they’re scheduling college visits for Spring Break. I can hear juniors now, “Wait, what? Spring Break means college visits, since when?” Pile on the demands of sports, jobs, planning an “important” summer experience for college resumes, starting college essays, relationships, registering for senior year classes, oh yeah, and a time change! Get the picture? You’ve got the makings of a full-blown teenage meltdown! So what’s a parent to do? How can you support your teenager and avoid the “helicopter parent” label? And as a junior, how can you maintain some sanity? Here are five quick and simple tips to help us all (did I mention I have a daughter who happens to be in her junior year):
- Ask your teen what they need from you and then LISTEN. Seriously, zip it and give them the chance to talk. If you haven’t picked this book up yet, it isn’t too late: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber.
- Schedule downtime together. Family time is important, and even as teens naturally pull away, it should be a non-negotiable. Recognize, however, that this together time should also be time to unwind and enjoy one another. Pretty soon these moments will be memories, and your time together gets squeezed into college breaks. So hike, cook dinner, watch TV, whatever makes your teen happy, and avoid talking about any sources of stress during these precious moments.
- Only say no when you have to. This is some of the best parenting advice I’ve heard…and the hardest to follow! But really, teenagers need practice with decisions they will be making for themselves a year and a half from now. Yes, they will mess up. No, they will not always make decisions we would make. They will appreciate the trust and gain confidence with their independence.
- Feed them well and encourage sleep. Juniors notoriously embrace junk food and Starbucks as they pull late-night study sessions. Some junior girls try their first crash-diet to fit into prom dresses. “Hangry” is bad, but a “hangry” teenage girl is dangerous! Help them recognize how awful they feel from a carb or caffeine crash, and help them develop healthier habits they can take to college. Whenever possible, let them sleep. Teens are wired to stay awake later and sleep later. Yes, it is annoying, but you’ll enjoy them more if you let them sleep in a bit.
- Respect their privacy. It’s no longer cool to post their every accomplishment on social media (at least not to your teen). Consider giving them approval rights before posting. Ask them what’s okay to share and what’s off limits when talking with your family and friends about college. Some teens prefer to keep test scores and the schools they are considering confidential.
- Get organized. You’ve got a lot going on, probably more than ever, and if you don’t make lists and schedules, you’ll probably overcommit or miss something. Maybe you’ve never had to do this before and it feels strange, but this is a habit that will serve you well in high school and beyond.
- Learn to say no. When you have schedules and lists (see first bullet point for you), you can see when you are taking on too many things. Remember to schedule time to “do nothing” if you’re guilty of taking on too much, and learn to say no when your calendar is full. Ask for help if you can’t figure out how to juggle all your responsibilities.
- Unplug and unwind. Step away from the constant social media updates and texts, set a time to turn off your phone at night, energize yourself. Now’s the time to figure out, if you haven’t already, what you love doing, what helps you escape everyday pressure while giving you the focus to get back to work. This can be exercise, a nap, listening to music, playing with a pet. It doesn’t matter what, but find something to do that helps you take a break and maintain balance in life.
- Accept the realities of junior year. Yes, it suuucks! Repeating it like a mantra doesn’t do any good. In fact, there’s little you can do to change all the pressures you’re feeling. These grades and test scores may be the last chance you have at making a great first impression on college applications. The good news is that the work you do now makes senior year that much more enjoyable. When you’re feeling particularly stressed, let someone know.
- Maintain perspective. Each day, recognize the good that happened. Some days this will feel like more of a task than others, but each day contains goodness. If you’re someone who tends to focus on what isn’t working, this habit can change your outlook. Junior year is just one year, not your entire life. Yes, it is important, but it is temporary, and it will be over before you know it.
It’s certainly difficult to focus on college, in addition to the other things going on at the end of your junior year, while not getting stressed. Not having all the answers can play games with your confidence. High school counselors, community mentors, and independent consultants can talk parents and juniors through the process and answer those questions keeping you up at night. The next year and a half should be fun and filled with excitement for the next phase of your life. Parents step back, juniors step up…when synchronized, this makes a beautiful dance.
January Coffee Chat
January Coffee Chat
Tuesday the 19th 7:30 – 8:30
Waterbean Coffee at Northcross Shopping Center
RSVP to Andrea Rieves Consulting
Common App, Early Decision vs. Early Action, CSS Profile, FAFSA, EFC, Revised SAT, ROI, Sticker Price, Retention Rate, Common Data Set, Demonstrated Interest, Acceptance Rate, Net Price Calculator…
These are essential terms in today’s college admissions process. If you feel overwhelmed as a parent, trust me, you are not alone! Let’s get together and chat over coffee or a drink, and let me answer some of your questions. I can demystify the college admissions process in a relaxed, small group meeting. I’ll explain how I can help your student through the process, but I won’t be pushing contracts or doing a sales pitch. I’d just like the chance to connect, allow you the opportunity to have questions answered by a professional, and hopefully put you at ease a bit. Meet other parents who are going through this stage as well and enjoy a beverage on me. See, this is already fun! Space is limited, so reserve your spot today.
“For now…”
“For now…” A colleague recently shared these two words with me as we discussed building our practices. She shared that giving herself the permission to define her practice in terms of “for now” allowed her room to grow and develop. It’s the best advice I’ve received, for now. These two simple words have become a staple in my communications as I endeavor to define ARC, formulate packages and pricing structures, and execute a marketing plan. To say the last month has been overwhelming would be an understatement. I never anticipated a crash course in taxes, business, marketing, and web design! As much as I am loving it, there have been the “what am I thinking” moments. Energy and emotions have run high (and low) because this is important to me, and it is a major life-decision that impacts not just me, but my family. Sound familiar? If you’re in the middle of college applications, this may resonate.
Applying to college is a big deal. Well, maybe more the decision of where to attend, but many students are currently focused on those applications…for now. And their energy and emotions run high (and low) as well. For some, just getting started seems impossible and they get stuck. Maybe they are terrified of not getting into their first choice school, maybe they have no idea what they want to do with their lives after high school, maybe they are embarrassed to admit they don’t feel ready to leave home. Often, parents become frustrated with this apparent apathy or lack of progress. In their frustration, parents can push without understanding why their student is stuck. And students, feeling their own frustration, can simply shut down. I’ve seen many families in this situation, not knowing how to get their student motivated to finish (or start) college applications. Then, when deadlines are passing and friends are starting to share acceptances, tensions mount. I believe these students can benefit from the same advice I received: approach things with a “for now” attitude. If a student is paralyzed by the idea of choosing a college that will define their future, often stepping back and giving themselves permission to consider what feels right “for now” allows for some breathing room. This isn’t necessary for all students, but for those who get overwhelmed and feel stuck, keeping in mind that they are deciding what’s right “for now” can give them the confidence to make a decision that keeps doors open to other possibilities as they grow and develop as young adults.
“For now”…two simple words with powerful implications. They allow to us make decisions while leaving the door open to other options as we grow and develop. It works with adults, and it can also work with students who find themselves overwhelmed and stuck. That’s all “for now.”
December Coffee Chat Announced
“ARC??” That is the first text I received after announcing I was starting my own company. So why ARC; what’s that about anyway? Picking a company name was something I dreaded. It needed to be meaningful, express purpose, have permanence. I had nothing. After pondering my options, searching the Internet and finding “the good names” all taken, I settled on the obvious: Andrea Rieves Consulting. Then, deciding I didn’t want to have to spell “rieves – r, i before e, v as in victor, e, s” all the time, and convinced it would prove problematic with web searches, I set ego aside and settled on the acronym ARC. That’s when the wordsmith in me came out to play. I was elated to find not one, but three (the writer in me loves threes) fitting definitions of arc that apply to my philosophy of college planning. Suddenly, what I anticipated being an arduous task sparked not just excitement about a company name, but ideas for the entire business. And then the work began: logo design, website development, and what has been a crash course in small business management. ARC remains a work in progress, but I’m proud of how far I’ve come in a short time, and I am humbled by the generosity of others who have helped me launch this pet project (more on those helpers later, you know who you are…T-claps). Check back soon to see my application of those arc definitions to my philosophy of college planning. Hopefully it will spark excitement in you for the process of postsecondary planning. I know I love it, and I’d love to partner with you as you consider your options. I never anticipated being a business owner, but sometimes when life throws a curveball the best you can do is take a swing and see what happens!